Feel Your Best Naturally
Benefits of Naturopathic Medicine
As a naturopathic physician, Dr. Karen Jones offers a wellness alternative to the typical, rushed 7-10 minute medical visit. Dr. Jones understands that it’s rarely possible to understand and diagnose a patient’s health concerns in such a short period of time. After all, it’s rare for a patient to have only one simple complaint. More often patients usually have one or two primary issues with a myriad of other low level complaints that leave them feeling fatigued, worn out or just not up to par. This is why she reserves one hour of her time for new patients and 30 minutes for follow-up patients.
An Integrative Approach
As a licensed primary care physician, Dr. Jones can address the same concerns as a family medical doctor. She uses physical examinations, lab tests and imaging to arrive at a diagnosis that calls for anything from nutritional counseling to prescription medications. Dr. Jones believes that an integrative approach offers the best of alternative and conventional medicine to achieve optimal health, not simply the absence of disease.